MV Mini 1972

  • Manfred Knäuper
    Manfred Knäuper

    le 02/07/2017 à 20:57

    My father is restoring a 1972 MV Mini and has a problem with the electronic ignition box. He is looking for a new ignition box or alternatively for the parts in the box. The parts he needs are the button diode on the outside of the box and a blown transistor that is closest to the button diode on the circuit board. He would need the part number of the diode as well as the part number of the transistor. I can send photos of the box and the defective parts if necessary. Thank you!
  • Manfred Knäuper
    Manfred Knäuper

    le 02/07/2017 à 22:59

    Sorry, I mean KV Mini, not MV Mini ...
  • ludovic boullet
    ludovic boullet

    le 13/04/2018 à 17:37

    please send me questions and photos at
    I have a KV mini....

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